Did you know that for every 13 babies born in the UK, one will be born prematurely?

No-one ever expects to end up in the NICU which means that most people aren’t prepared for it at all and have no idea what to expect.

1 in 13 babies in the UK are born prematurely

Two of of our lovely Daisy trainers Claire and Jude have very kindly shared what they wish they had known before their own experiences of NICU:

  • There is a very kind and caring world behind those NICU doors.
  • That it’s okay to ask questions.
  • The staff in NICU are super busy most of the time and tend to talk in very medical terms. Early on I was afraid to admit that I didn’t know what they were talking about but I soon learnt that it was fine to ask questions.
  • I wish I’d known that I would feel such guilt over my body having not held onto my babies for longer. In those early days I agonised over everything I’d done in the pregnancy. Looking back now I don’t think there was anything I could have done differently to have stopped them being born prematurely.
  • It’s okay to ask to be involved early on. I felt in the way and awkward in the early days but one particularly wonderful nurse told me that I was able to be involved in their care as much as was possible, and reminded me that these were my babies.
  • That it was okay not to be in NICU 24/7. NICU is an intense environment. Of course I wanted to be by my babies’ sides all the time but you have to look after yourself. It is okay to have a few hours off to look after yourself too.
  • That it’s okay to talk to other parents for support.
  • Your baby will have clothes, even if you haven’t had time to get them yet.

If you have a premature or poorly baby and need support charity Bliss is there for you www.bliss.org.uk