These Topics Must Be Introduced When Holding a First Aid Training Course for Children

Even children should undergo first aid education as soon as possible. This is so they can help prevent minor incidents from getting worse. Today, the British Red Cross estimates that only 7 per cent of the UK population have both the skill and confidence to carry-out basic first aid procedure in the case of an emergency. This needs to change, and one way to achieve this is to make first aid a part of every child’s basic education.

While first aid education may not be part of every school’s curriculum at the moment, you can offer this kind of training in your area to help children gain basic first aid skills. Should you decide to do so, here are some of the most important topics that our first aid training course for children includes.

Recovery Position

A person is placed in a recovery position if they are unconscious but breathing. and without any other life-threatening condition. In doing so, you keep their airway open and clear. This position also helps ensure that the person will not choke on any fluid or vomit whilst unconscious.

In a recovery position, the person is positioned to lie on their side. The head is also gently tilted back and lifted through the chin to ensure that there is nothing blocking the airway. The person’s condition is then continuously monitored until help gets to the scene.


With a great number of cardiac arrests occurring throughout the UK every single year, It helps to make sure that even the littlest ones in the community know all about cardiopulmonary resuscitation. With proper training, a child will be competent and confident enough to offer assistance if they see signs of anyone experiencing cardiac arrest.


While bleeding is usually a minor incident in nature, it’s certainly advisable to attend to the wound as soon as possible to avoid any risk of infection. Doing so would also keep the injury from becoming any worse. Hence, it’s important for anyone of any age be able to attend to a such injuries through professional first aid training.


In the case of a choking incident, being able to administer first aid to the affected person as soon as possible can help improve their situation immensely. They may still need to be seen by a doctor, but knowing exactly how to correctly deliver back blow and chest/abdominal thrusts can absolutely save a life.

Providing children with a training course that incorporate all of these lessons would go a long way in ensuring that they can handle minor emergencies and also help boost their confidence.


The Importance of First Aid Training for Children,

Children should be taught First Aid in school,

Choking Treatment,







