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I can’t believe we are at the end of 2017 already, where has this year gone?! This is the first full year I have had a small person in my life – there have been extreme highs, as well as extreme lows (sleep deprivation), however things are starting to settle down, and we are beginning to gel as a family unit.
Over the last twelve months our household has endured colds, coughs, infections, hospitals stays and lots of bumps and bruises along the way. Reggie is an energetic child and he never stops, which I expect, is like most children. I love seeing him conquer milestones, even if this does include climbing on the coffee table when I look away for two seconds!
On a daily basis I meet parents, grandparents and extended family members who have stories about scrapes, accidents and near misses. Thankfully all of the children involved were not seriously injured. It is my aim to talk to mums, dads, grandparents or anyone who will listen to me about First Aid, and why I think it is such an essential life skill for everyone to have.
In my previous life in the Royal Air Force everyone received basic first aid training, in fact we had basic level of training in pretty much anything and everything. On reflection, I can see that was what made us such an effective force. For me, if I experienced an event or incident, even in a training environment it removed the element of fear. Add in a basic level training this empowered me to take action when it was required.
With strains on the NHS, longer ambulance response times and an increasing population, I feel it is really important for us parents to have a little knowledge should an accident happen. I always mention in my classes that we hope you never have to use any of the training we cover, however if you are faced with a situation, you will be able to think back to your first aid class and hopefully deal with the problem calmly, and confidently.
If you have been thinking about booking a class, or even have it on your to-do list but never seem to get round to it, do it today. Write a new list for the start of 2018, put it right at the top, above sale shopping or holiday browsing. Incidents and accidents happen without warning, they don’t wait for you to reach the end of your to do-list and they happen to people just like you and me.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends. Happy New Year, here’s to an action packed 2018 with our little people.
Follow Daisy First Aid Northumberland on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.