Daisy First Aid are absolutely delighted to have partnered with perinatal mental health experts, Parenting In Mind, to provide courses in Parents Mental Health.

Research shows that 1 in 5 new parents will suffer with feelings of anxiety or depression, while 7 in 10 new mums hide the true extent of suffering with changes to how they feel.

Parenting In Mind’s Parents Mental Health Course is a video based course that you can do at your own pace, with your partner. The course helps you thrive in parenthood by giving you a great understanding of what can change and why when you become a parent. Most importantly, it gives you the tools to work together, communicate more effectively and plan for challenges before they become overwhelming.

As a new parent, it is so hard to adapt to all the changes you go through – not least your new found identity and the impact that your baby has on your relationships. As you go through the course, you will build a range of life skills to help you cope with these changes and create a personalised wellbeing plan to use in inevitable periods of sleep deprivation, feeling overloaded, rubbish days and more. It’s first aid for your wellbeing! 

Like Daisy First Aid, Parenting In Mind takes a very preventative and relatable approach – the course is open to all parents and is run by a mum who has been there herself. 

The Parents Mental Health Course is £37 for lifetime access – Click Here to get started