My baby CPR training saved my baby’s life
Josiah and mum, Danni Meet Josiah. He’s just turned three. He loves fire engines, has an incredible imagination and is loving his new nursery! Three years ago his brave mum, Danni, saved his life by performing CPR when he stopped breathing unexpectedly at 4 weeks old....
Children’s Activity Providers
Daisy First Aid are proud partners of the Children's Activities Association and Institute of Children's activity Providers. We believe everyone who cares for children should learn basic paediatric first aid skills. Are you a children’s activity provider? Would...
Happy Parent Minds
Daisy First Aid are absolutely delighted to have partnered with perinatal mental health experts, Parenting In Mind, to provide courses in Parents Mental Health. Research shows that 1 in 5 new parents will suffer with feelings of anxiety or depression, while 7 in 10...
What is baby massage?
How baby massage can support a better night’s sleep There is nothing more appealing to a new parent (or to any parent for that matter) than the thought of an undisturbed night’s sleep. However, our bundles of joy often have other plans for our sleep routine… Whilst...
Top Tips for Camping with Kids
There are two types of people in this world; those who love camping and can’t get enough of it, and those who prefer to stick with the luxuries of a roof over their head, running water and a bed you don’t have to share with insects! For those of you on team love it we...
Childhood Asthma
Asthma is a condition that occurs in the airways. The airways are tiny tubes that transport air into our lungs. People with asthma have airways that are sensitive to things that don't affect people without asthma. Triggers When a person with asthma is exposed to...
2000 Defibrillators for Grass Roots Football Facilities
Article By Stacey Cann The English Premier League is installing 2000 Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) into its grass roots football centres across England and Wales. The Premier League Defibrillator Fund is an investment from the Premier League to install AEDs...
What is bronchiolitis?
A quick run through bronchiolitis for parents, by Dr Yiannis Ioannou, Consultant Paediatrician. Bronchiolitis season is in full swing and I have seen so many cases in my clinic and in hospital these past few weeks, I thought time for a quick summary....
Christmas Toy Safety
Article by Kirsty CrockettMany of us will find ourselves turning to online shopping this Christmas – it’s easy, it’s fast and you don’t need to leave your house! However, despite the many benefits, come some pitfalls, and it’s important we take some careful...
Meningitis in a child
Article by Feola McCandlishSigns and symptoms of Meningitis in babies and children What is meningitis? Meningitis is inflammation of the membranes that surround and protect the brain. The two most common are bacteria and viral meningitis. Meningitis in babies...
Choking baby or child
Article by Feola McCandlishHow do you recognise a person who is choking? If someone is choking thet may suddenly become unable to speak, cough, cry and may go quiet. Breathing may sound wheezy or might be absent. Skin may flush, become initially darker or flushed but...
Summer Safety Tips
Article by Sarah Russell-DavisAfter one of the most challenging years we’ve all faced, the sun is finally out and we are enjoying the great outdoors more than ever! With lockdown restrictions gradually easing, family days out and staycations are back on the menu so...
Returning to Work After Baby
Article By Feola McCandlish When I had my eldest daughter I was working for a marketing agency in London. The commute and the days were long. It was the sort of job where, if I'd chosen to go back to it, I would have had to work as though I didn't have a baby in order...
Kate Lawler takes family first aid class with Daisy First Aid
New mum, Kate Lawler and partner, Martin, take a family first aid class with Daisy First Aid
Have you ever thought about what it must be like having a child with severe allergies?
For Allergy Awareness Week, our trainer, Feola had a chat with mum, Joanna, about what it’s like to live with a child with severe allergies
Meet the Trainer – Jude in North West London
I’m Jude, the local Daisy First Aid Trainer for North & North West London. Here are 5 things about me… Why I became a Daisy First Aid Trainer…. My daughter was born prematurely, and had her first month in hospital. All the parents with children in NCU had to learn...
Meet The Trainer – Lindsay in Fordingbridge
I’m Lindsay, the local Daisy first Aid Trainer for Fordingbridge, Ringwood and Wimbourne area Here are 5 things about me… Why I became a Daisy First Aid Trainer…. I came across Daisy First Aid after I helped a family who’s 20 month old child was choking on a piece of...
New Guildford Venue for Ofsted compliant paediatric first aid courses!
We are excited to be returning to our fantastic new Guildford venue on Saturday 1st May for the practical day of our 12-hour blended learning paediatric first aid course. The venue is situated in central Guildford, right on the river at Millmead and is just a short...