Top Tips for Camping with Kids

There are two types of people in this world; those who love camping and can’t get enough of it, and those who prefer to stick with the luxuries of a roof over their head, running water and a bed you don’t have to share with insects! For those of you on team love it we...

Childhood Asthma

Asthma is a condition that occurs in the airways. The airways are tiny tubes that transport air into our lungs. People with asthma have airways that are sensitive to things that don't affect people without asthma.    Triggers   When a person with asthma is exposed to...

What is bronchiolitis?

A quick run through bronchiolitis for parents, by Dr Yiannis Ioannou, Consultant Paediatrician.     Bronchiolitis season is in full swing and I have seen so many cases in my clinic and in hospital these past few weeks, I thought time for a quick summary....

Meningitis in a child

Article by Feola McCandlishSigns and symptoms of Meningitis in babies and children What is meningitis? Meningitis is inflammation of the membranes that surround and protect the brain. The two most common are bacteria and viral meningitis.   Meningitis in babies...

Returning to Work After Baby

Article By Feola McCandlish When I had my eldest daughter I was working for a marketing agency in London. The commute and the days were long. It was the sort of job where, if I'd chosen to go back to it, I would have had to work as though I didn't have a baby in order...

Meet the Trainer – Katy & Claire in Kensington

We are Katy & Claire - the local Daisy First Trainers for Kensington, Holland Park, Ravenscourt Park, Hammersmith and Fulham. Here are 5 things about us… Why we became a Daisy First Aid Trainers…. It’s been five years now since we found Daisy First Aid and took...