Whooping cough vaccination in pregnancy

When you are pregnant you will offered the whooping cough vaccine ideally between 16 and 32 weeks of your pregnancy. On today’s blog we’re looking at why it’s important to have this vaccine. What is whooping cough? Whooping cough is a bacterial infection of the lungs...

What is pre-eclampsia?        

Pre-eclampsia is a condition that can affect pregnant women most commonly after week 20 of their pregnancy or soon after they have delivered their baby. The early signs are protein in your urine and high blood pressure, which is why your midwife will routinely check...

Meet The Trainer – Lucy in Buckingham & Milton Keynes

Hello, I'm Lucy - I’m the local Daisy First Trainer for Buckingham and Milton Keynes, I also cover Brackley, Towcester, Daventry and Banbury. Here are 5 things about me… Why I became a Daisy First Aid Trainer…. My background is in adult nursing, so I’ve always liked...

What is a schema?    

Have you ever wondered why your child repeated throws their food on the floor (trajectory schema), puts their toys in a straight line (positioning schema) or pours their water into their cereal bowl (transforming schema)? Young children’s behaviour can often be...

Water beads

What are water beads? Water beads are water-absorbing polymers (a type of plastic) that start off the size of a pinhead but expand when they are placed in water. They used to be used by florists to help keep plants hydrated as they could hold so much water. They are...

How to recognise sepsis in babies and children

What is sepsis? Sepsis is the body’s life-threatening reaction to an infection. It basically means that the immune system is attacking not only the infection it is trying to fight but also the body’s own tissues and organs. It can be triggered by any type of infection...

How can you tell if a child is choking severely?

Fears around choking are very common and totally valid. It’s the main reason a lot of parents book onto our classes. In our classes you will practise the techniques that could save your child’s life so in an emergency you’ll know exactly what to do without even having...

Travelling in the car this Christmas?

Will you be travelling in the car this Christmas to visit friends and relatives? Those long car journeys can be pretty boring for little ones. And when kids get bored they can also get hungry! How many times have you given your children food in the back of the car?...

Top tips to keep children safe this Christmas

Christmas is a wonderful time for children but it’s also a time when there are increased hazards and risks within the home. These are our top tips for keeping your child safe this Christmas: 1 - Look out for poisonous plants Did you know mistletoe is actually toxic?...

Flu vaccinations for kids

Has your child had their flu vaccine yet? The children’s flu vaccine is safe and effective and the good news is they don’t have to have an injection! It’s offered to children every year to protect them from flu which can be really miserable for children and can also...

What do you know about febrile seizures?

Did you know that febrile seizures affect 1 in 20 children? But most parents haven’t even heard of them. Today we’re talking all about what they are, why they happen, who they’re most likely to happen to and what to do if your little one should experience one. 1 in 20...

World Prematurity Day

Did you know that for every 13 babies born in the UK, one will be born prematurely? No-one ever expects to end up in the NICU which means that most people aren’t prepared for it at all and have no idea what to expect. 1 in 13 babies in the UK are born prematurely Two...

What happens to baby sleep at 4 months?

Does this sound familiar? Your baby has started sleeping for longer stints over the past few weeks. Some babies may have even slept for a full night. You are well and truly out of the newborn stage and then - BAM - suddenly your baby stops sleeping! They wake multiple...

All about Anaphylaxis

Allergies are more common than they used to be. There are several theories as to why this is the case. One is that improved hygiene means children aren’t getting as many infections. Infections are normally fought by the same mechanisms that are involved in tackling...

Could you save your child if they choked?

This is Oliver. He’s just turned 2 years old. He’s a happy toddler who enjoys dinosaurs, climbing, cars and exploring anything and everything! Last week his amazing mum, Anna, saved his life when he choked on a coin. She has told us her story to help raise awareness...

We’re back at The Baby Show!

We are SO excited to be returning to The Baby Show with Lidl GB at Olympia in London this weekend! The show has everything you could possibly want for bump, baby and you all under one roof. With over 350 leading baby brands it is the UK’s largest marketplace for all...

How to prevent burns at home

Did you know that according to The Children’s Burns Trust, the NHS services treat more than 30 babies and toddlers with a hot drink burn every day. That's over 10,000 babies and toddlers a year! Did you know that 95% of all childhood burns and scalds happen at home....

Top 5 items to have at home…

As well as your Daisy First Aid kit. I’m a Daisy First Aid expert. I’m also a mum! Here are my top 5 items to have at home alongside your Daisy First Aid kit.  1 – Digital thermometer The NHS recommends under arm thermometers for children under 5, as these will give...