Baby Acne – causes and treatment
Baby acne is really common and usually appears between 2 and 4 weeks after your little one’s arrival. It’s nothing to worry about and in this week’s blog we’re talking about how to spot it and what to do if you little one does develop it. What is baby acne? Baby acne...
Bonding with your baby – top tips for new dads and partners.
Dads and partners play a crucial role in the arrival of a new baby. For new mums it can feel overwhelming to suddenly have this tiny human who is completely dependant on you for literally every need they have. So as dads and...
Postnatal Depression – Spotting The Signs
Becoming a parent is indisputably one of the biggest events you can experience in your life. After such a life-altering event it can, understandably, leave lots of people struggling with their mental health and in need of support. Postnatal depression (PND) is a...
What I didn’t know about becoming a new mum
When you’re expecting a baby it’s normal to have certain expectations of pregnancy, birth and beyond based on what you’ve read, anecdotes you’ve heard and from seeing friends and relatives having babies around you. You’ll likely do an antenatal class to learn all...
Whooping Cough Vaccine
There is so much to think about when you’re pregnant. What to buy, what to eat, what not to eat, safe sleep, breast and bottle feeding, what to pack in your hospital bag. The list feels endless. Something else you’ll need to think about is whooping cough and why and...
Ideas for seeing in the New Year with little ones
As parents of little children you probably don’t want them to stay up until midnight – you might not feel like staying up until midnight yourself if you’re sleep-deprived! But it’s still nice to celebrate the start of the new year with our little people so on this...
How to help a choking baby
Is your little one going to be starting solids soon? Weaning is an exciting time for parents and babies as they start a new phase of life! But it also comes with new worries one of which is choking. Choking is a very common fear and lots of parents book our classes...
Christmas tradition ideas…
Christmas is a special time of year for most people but when you have children the true magic of Christmas really does come alive when you see their little faces light up with joy and excitement. There is a lot of pressure on parents these days – thanks largely to...
6 reasons it’s great to be pregnant at Christmas!
You can’t plan when you’re going to be pregnant and some pregnancy journeys are filled with heartbreak and anxiety so being pregnant at any time of year is a gift. But for some it might seem like unfortunate timing to be pregnant over the festive period and it might...
The flu vaccine
Should you get your child vaccinated? As winter approaches so too does the flu season. Flu, which is caused by the influenza virus, can be particularly dangerous to certain groups of people including pregnant women and young children. On this week’s blog we’re talking...
What’s it like running a Daisy First Aid franchise?
Having a baby is life altering; it impacts every part of your life, including your work. Thankfully, flexible working for parents is slowly becoming more commonplace thanks, in part, to the pandemic and to people like Anna Whitehouse and charities such as Pregnant...
The 4 month sleep regression
Does this sound familiar? Your baby has started sleeping for longer stints over the past few weeks. Some babies may have even slept for a full night. You are well and truly out of the newborn stage and then - BAM - suddenly your baby stops sleeping! They wake multiple...
At home firework safety
There's something magical about fireworks that captivates both children and adults alike. However, when it comes to hosting your own fireworks display in your garden, safety should be your top priority, especially when young children are involved. In this week’s blog,...
Potty Training: Top Tips!
Potty training is a significant milestone in a child's life, and it can be a source of anxiety for both parents and children. However, it doesn't have to be a stressful time. Here are our top tips for potty training your little one! Don’t start until your child is...
Preparing for the autumn clock change
Hooray! Extra hour in bed! (Said no parent ever!). The clocks go back at the end of this month which can cause disruption for sleep for babies and toddlers (and therefore us parents too!). This disruption will be temporary as they adjust to the new timings but there...
Hot water burns like fire
Today is National Burns Awareness Day and the message this year from the British Burn Association is ‘Hot water burns like fire’. According to the British Burn Association 7,335 children were burned or scalded in 2022 alone in England and Wales. This figure doesn’t...
Understanding developmental schemas
And how you can shape your child’s play accordingly! Has your child ever shown behaviours that you find a bit puzzling or unusual like going upside down and looking through their legs, repeatedly throwing an object or continuously spinning the wheels on a toy car? One...
NEW: Parents Mental Health First Aid Course
Did You Know… As many as 1 in 5 women develop a mental illness during pregnancy or in the first year after birth. 37% of new dads are worried about their mental health. 1 in 7 new mums hide the full extent of mental health challenges. There’s no denying that...