Celebrating Success in the Children’s Activity Sector
With Club Hub On Saturday 11 May, around 200 children’s activity providers gathered at the Macdonald Burlington Hotel, Birmingham for the Club Hub Event 2024. The annual event brings together business owners from across the UK for a full day of personal and...
10 parenting books that could make your life easier!
Babies are hard work, but in the beginning they have needs rather than wants which, once you’ve figured out what that need is, are generally fairly easy to meet (often either milk, sleep, a nappy change or a cuddle will do the job!). Once children get a bit older...
How do you know if your baby is choking?
In association with ICAP One of the main reasons parents book on to a Daisy First Aid class is because they are concerned about their little one choking. Fears around choking are really common and completely valid. In honour of Weaning Week this week we are...
The many benefits of tummy time
Tummy time is an important activity that can help with your baby's development. It is the practice of putting your baby on the floor awake and face down. In this week’s blog we’re going to explore why tummy time is important and how it can benefit your little one....
What does a doula do?
With Zara de Candole – Doulabud There is plenty of evidence that shows that having support from a doula during birth improves the experience and birthing outcomes for both the woman or birthing person, baby and partner. But what does a doula actually do? And how do...
Weaning with food allergies
One question we get asked a lot in our first aid classes is how to start babies on solid foods when there is a history of allergies in the family. This week, in honour of allergy awareness week our friends at The Allergy Team are giving away their guide to Weaning...
Pain relief in labour
Birth doesn’t have to be a scary prospect. We have TV programmes (think Rachel in friends) to thank for the common perception of labour and birth; feet in stirrups, lying on your back, screaming… The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way. Labour can be a calm,...
Introducing a new baby
Are you expecting your second child? Are you worried about how your firstborn will react to the new arrival? Are you worried you won’t be able to love another child as much as you love your first? If so, this week’s blog is for you! We’re looking at how to introduce a...
Who’s in the room during a C-section?
Everyone has a good idea of how they want their birth to go by the time their due date is approaching but we all know that sometimes not everything goes to plan so it’s a good idea to know what to expect should things change. Whether you’re having a planned C-section...
Easy Easter Activities For Little Ones
It’s almost Easter and on this week’s blog we have some egg-ceptional actitives for you to try with your little ones at home! Let’s face it, it may be spring but the weather is so unpredictable so here are some great activities for you to try and home with your little...
Five Ways For Parents To Help Children Feeling Worried At Home
By founder of Mind Marvels, Karen Gibb Home can be a frantic place for families. There is a relief to be felt in a safe, home environment where you can ‘be yourself’, but the mask we all wear in social settings comes off at home. Parents might be concerned that a...
How to co-sleep safely
As part of Safer Sleep Week which is an awareness campaign run by our friends at The Lullaby Trust we are looking how to co-sleep safely with your baby. Tragically, around 3 babies a week still die from SIDS and if all parents were aware of safer sleep advice many...
Should you find out the sex of your baby?
This is something that tends to divide people. People who find out the sex of their baby at their 20 week scan often can’t imagine waiting until the baby is born and people who don’t find out often wonder why people do! And what if you’re a couple having a baby and...
Hospital bag essentials for mums-to-be
When you first discover you’re pregnant giving birth feels a very long way off. But those months go quickly and you’ll soon you’ll be needing to think about preparing to go into hospital to have your baby if that’s where you’ve chosen to give birth. So on today’s blog...
The Power of Repair
We parents all lose our cool at some point. Parenting is hard, sometimes it feels like our children are wired to push our buttons. When our cups aren’t as full as we’d like them to be of course there are going to be times when we behave in a way we’d prefer not to....
Oxytocin: ‘The Love Hormone’
Oxytocin, known as ‘the love hormone’ plays an important role in childbirth. It is also important during the post-natal period and can lead to feelings of love and joy in those early days with your baby despite the sleep deprivation and the need to recover from...
How to spot anxiety in children
Anxiety affects all of us at times; it's the body's normal reaction to a perceived threat or danger. But for lots of people, anxiety can have a huge impact on their life and stop them from doing things they enjoy. This is known as anxiety disorder. In this week’s...
The Baby Show London Excel 2024
Give your baby the best start at The Baby Show, returning to ExCeL London 1st – 3rd March 2024 The Baby Show with Lidl GB - the UK’s largest and best-loved, pregnancy, baby, and parenting event, is coming to ExCeL London from Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd March 2024....