The autumn clock change

Top tips for managing the clock change with babies and young children Hooray! Extra hour in bed! (Said no parent ever!). The clocks go back on the 27th October which can cause disrupted sleep for babies and toddlers (and therefore us parents too!). This disruption...

Navigating Postnatal Anxiety: When to Seek Support

Becoming a parent can be a joyous experience but it can also bring challenges, especially when it comes to mental health. It’s completely normal to experience a range of emotions when you become a parent and you might find that anxiety levels may be higher than usual...

Stem cell storage and donation

On this week’s blog we’re talking all about stem cell storage. Stem cells can be used to treat over 80 illnesses and donating or storing cells can help others or your own family should they become unwell in the future. What are stem cells? And why are they important?...

Antenatal appointments explained

You’ve just taken a pregnancy test and it’s positive. You are likely to be feeling a mixture of excitement and anxiety about the little life residing inside you. You may also be wondering what will happen when throughout your pregnancy. On this week’s blog we’re...

Daisy downloads

On this week’s blog we’re putting all of our brilliant free downloadable resources in one place. Check out the explanations and links to each below! Baby Meal Planner Plan your baby’s first foods and keep track of what allergens you’ve fed your baby and when with this...

You’ve just given birth, what happens next?

We focus a lot on birth preparation, and rightly so. But what happens in the immediate aftermath when you’ve just birthed your baby? On this week’s blog we’re looking at what happens next. Delivering your placenta Once your baby is earth-side if all is well they’ll be...

Is your child school ready?

Is your little one starting reception this year? The new school year is just a few weeks away. A child starting school for the first time can be an anxious time for children and parents alike. On this week’s blog for our top tips for preparing your child (and...

Camping with kids

There are two types of people in this world; those who love camping and can’t get enough of it, and those who prefer to stick with the luxuries of a roof over their head, running water and a bed you don’t have to share with insects! For those of you on team love it we...

Window to the Womb

At Window to the Womb, we are proud to offer you an outstanding level of care throughout your time with us. Our clinics offer a range of Private Pregnancy Ultrasound Scans from 6-42 weeks. Our sister brand firstScan offers Blood Tests, NIPT (Non-Invasive Prenatal...

What do you know about Group B Strep?

July is Group B Strep (GBS) awareness month. Most women carrying GBS will have no symptoms. Carrying GBS is not harmful to you, but there is a small chance it can affect your baby around the time of birth. GBS can cause serious infection in young babies and, very...

Dry drowning vs secondary drowning

We often talk about water safety especially in the summer months when our little ones are much more likely to be around swimming pools, paddling pools and beaches. But when you hear about children drowning on dry land hours or even days after they have left the water...

Baby’s First Holiday

Are you going on holiday with your baby this summer? Babies don’t travel lightly so there’s lots to think about when you travel with them which can feel daunting. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! This week’s blog is full of top tips for taking little ones on...

Thank you to our AGM sponsors

We’re so excited because this Saturday is our Daisy First Aid annual conference and this year’s is extra special because we’re celebrating 10 years of Daisy First Aid! That’s 10 years of delivering life-saving skills to parents, carers and childcare professionals...

Choosing a childcare setting

Choosing a nursery setting for your baby or toddler feels like a big step. If you’re returning to work it can also be an emotional time as your maternity leave is ending and your time with your little one is going to be reduced so finding the right setting for your...

Which sun cream is best for your little one?

Summer is here! (Although it may not feel like it a lot of the time…!) And tomorrow is the summer soltice! So in honour of this we're talking all about sunscreen in this week's blog. Even on a cloudy day we need to be careful because it’s still possible for skin to...

Women are less likely to receive CPR than men

If a person has a sudden cardiac arrest their best chance of survival is receiving CPR and defibrillation within the first few minutes. Survival rates for out of hospital cardiac arrests in this country are shockingly low, with fewer than 1 in 10 people surviving. A...

Where to start with baby proofing your home

In association with ICAP Did you know that most accidents involving young children occur within their own home? This week is child safety week so we are looking at how to effectively baby proof your home to keep your little one safe. If you’re pregnant or a parent of...