Katherine Jenkins

 Katherine Jenkins in Hello Magazine This is how I'm spending 2 hours of my afternoon... CPR class with @daisyfirstaid.richmond #Worthwhile #SaveALife #CPR @jessi_aimeelou A photo posted by Katherine Jenkins (@realkathjenkins) on Jun 17, 2015 at 8:45am PDT

Sam Faiers

I had always wanted to do a first aid course, and when I had baby Paul it seemed like the perfect time for me to do one. The Daisy First Aid class was super helpful and informative – I am so pleased I’ve done it and feel well equipped should I ever be in a situation...

Luisa Zissman

My family & I completed a paediatric first aid course last week in preparation for the baby coming! cannot recommend @daisyfirstaid @menishadaisyfirstaid enough! Such a professional course yet fun, extremely informative & I feel confident now if any situation...