First Aid In Schools
First Aid in schoolsDaisy First Aid have had a great start to the New Year after the government announced on 3rd Jan 2019 that teaching basic first aid in schools will be compulsory. By the time they leave school our children will have learnt CPR, how to...
Christmas Safety for Babies and Children
Christmas Safety Tips - By Sophie - Daisy First Aid NorthumberlandDaisy First Aid want you all to have a fun and safe Christmas to remember. Here are some useful tips to keep you, and your little ones safe at this time of year. Food There will be lots...
Daisy First Aid – Paediatric First Aid Statistics
Bonfire Safety
NIDirect If you are having a bonfire, whether it’s to get rid of garden waste or part of a celebration, like Halloween or Bonfire night, take care. Follow the simple tips below...
Chest of drawers safety.
PLEASE NOTE - This is a little hard to watch but the baby is NOT hurt in this video. After chatting to a school mum, I feel this is something that really needs to be highlighted again. Drawers pulled out make very tempting stairs for little ones and can easily pull...
Saving stems cells from the baby’s umbilical cord
Time to consider saving your baby’s cord blood? Secret Daisy First Aid gift code inside. Have you begun to wonder why so many new parents are choosing to collect and save their baby’s umbilical cord and the blood that is left inside it after baby is born...
Drowning Prevention Week 2018
The sun is finally out and looks set to stay for a while. When the sun comes out so do the paddling pools, swimming pools, dips in rivers, streams, lakes and the sea. All great fun and a great way to stay cool but water can mean danger. June 11th– 15th2018 is...
Daisy First Aid Cardiff – Toddle Waddle for Meningitis Now
Daisy First Aid are very proud to have partnered with Meningitis Now to run Toddle Waddles all over the UK. As the Owner of Daisy First Aid Cardiff & Vale I decided to combine my Toddle Waddle with a Family Fun Day. As well as being excited to support such a...
Safety Tips for Summer
Summer Safety Tips by Susie - Daisy First Aid Kettering The weather is finally getting warmer! This is something that most of us have been looking forward to after a long winter. Summer can also a time when children can be at risk from accidents or illness. Many...
The dangers of washing tablets
Where do you keep your washing tablets? If the answer is under your sink then please STOP to read. These wonderfully pretty coloured gems do wonders for getting our littles ones clothes lovely and clean BUT... they can be so incredibly dangerous to babies and...
Check your babies dummies (pacifiers)
Children's dummies (also known as soothers and pacifiers) can be an absolute godsend for some parents. Modern dummies are safe to use, can easily be sterilised and the mouth shield prevents your baby from choking on, or swallowing the teat. It's possible using a dummy...
Blind Cord Safety For Babies and Children
Blind Cord Safety Campaign It can take only 20 seconds for a toddler to die from strangulation if they get tangled in a blind cord. Since 2004, RoSPA has called upon the blind industry to take voluntary action to reduce the risk of looped cords and has been working...
Finding a Basic First Aid Course Near Me
“Where can I find a basic first aid course near me?” This is a question many people ask from time to time. The most common time when individuals ask this question is when they recognise there is a real need for this skill – such as after having a new baby enter the...
Who Should Invest in Paediatric First Aid Training?
It seems like an investment that you do not need to make, but it can save someone’s life when you do understand paediatric first aid training. Every parent will benefit from investing in this type of course. It can do many things for you, beyond just teaching you how...
Paediatric First Aid Training: Handling Common Medical Problems
Childhood is fraught with a variety of illnesses and large and small medical problems. Parents can easily become overwhelmed when faced with what may turn out to be a minor problem. They may also not know how to react when a serious injury occurs. By taking paediatric...
What’s on 4 Little Ones 2017
What's on for little ones 2017 and What's on for kids 2017 Daisy First Aid were so honoured to be part of such a fantastic awards ceremony. What's On For Little Ones highly commended Daisy First Aid in TWO categories. Best Pre/Post Natal Class and Best product...
Daisy First Aid Review by Miss Muffin A First Aid course, a red face, and another Isla... January 15, 2018 I've been interested in first aid, ever since I was young and a member of the Sea Scouts, and I'd...
Marvin and Rochelle Humes meets Daisy First Aid
Rochelle and Marvin Humes meet Daisy First Aid We were so excited. Rochelle Marvin Alaia-Mai Valentina RaineOur lovely Daisy First Aid Bexley trainer Emma was invited into the home of celebrity couple Marvin and Rochelle Humes.The very talented JLS singer and Radio...