What to expect in your baby’s first year

It’s important to remember that all babies develop at their own pace and if your baby will reach some milestones before others and vice versa. It is exciting when your baby develops a new skill so for those of you who are expecting or have recently had a baby this week’s blog is outlining what milestones you can expect to see and when during the first year of your baby’s life.
Month 1: Welcome to the World
In the first month, your baby is adjusting to life outside the womb. Expect:
- Reflexes: Your baby will have strong reflexes, like rooting (turning their head towards a touch on the cheek) and sucking.
- Limited Vision: Their vision is still developing, and they can only focus on objects 20-30cm away, such as your face during feeding.
- Communication: Crying is their primary way to communicate hunger, discomfort, or tiredness.
Month 2: Smiling and Tracking
At two months, your baby will start engaging with the world in new ways:
- Social Smiles: You’ll likely see your baby’s first smile! This is one of the most heartwarming milestones.
- Tracking with Eyes: They’ll begin to track objects with their eyes, especially those that move side to side.
- Cooing Sounds: Your baby may start making cooing noises as they begin to experiment with their vocal cords.
Month 3: Strengthening Muscles
By the third month, your baby is gaining more control over their body:
- Lifting Head: During tummy time, your baby will be able to lift their head and chest off the ground.
- Hand Coordination: They’ll start to bring their hands together and might even reach for objects.
- Recognizing Faces: Your baby will recognize familiar faces and voices, especially yours!
Month 4: Rolling Over
At four months, your baby becomes more active and aware:
- Rolling Over: Many babies begin to roll from tummy to back around this time.
- Grabbing Objects: They’ll start to grab toys or your finger and hold onto them.
- Babbles: Your baby will likely begin to babble, making vowel and consonant sounds like “ba” and “da.”
Month 5: Exploring with Hands and Mouth
In the fifth month, exploration kicks into high gear:
- Sitting with Support: Your baby may start sitting up with support, such as propping against a cushion.
- Teething Begins: Some babies might start teething around this time, which means extra dribbling and the desire to chew on everything.
- Increased Curiosity: They’ll love reaching for things, and everything they grab will probably go straight to their mouth.
Month 6: Sitting Up and Solid Foods
By six months, your baby is halfway through their first year and hitting some major milestones:
- Sitting Independently: Many babies are able to sit up without support by six months.
- Introduction to Solids: Babies are ready to start solids once they can sit unsupported with a straight back, have lost their tongue thrust reflex and can put their hand to their mouth accurately. This is usually at around 6 months.
- Responding to Name: They may start responding to their name when you call them, showing growing recognition.
Month 7: Crawling
At seven months, your baby might be on the move!
- Crawling: Some babies begin to crawl around this time, while others may start ‘bum shuffling’ or ‘army crawling’.
- Understanding Language: Your baby might start understanding basic words like “no” or “bye-bye,” even if they can’t say them yet.
- Clapping and Waving: Look out for your baby learning to clap their hands or wave goodbye!
Month 8: Developing Fine Motor Skills
Your baby’s coordination is improving every day:
- Pincer Grasp: They may begin developing the “pincer grasp,” using their thumb and forefinger to pick up small objects.
- Standing with Support: Your baby may try pulling themselves up to stand while holding onto furniture or your hands.
- Exploring Emotions: At this stage, babies start showing more emotions and may even experience separation anxiety when you leave the room.
Month 9: Imitation and Play
Nine-month-olds love to imitate and play:
- Copying Sounds and Actions: Your baby might start copying sounds, facial expressions, or simple actions like clapping.
- Object Permanence: They begin to understand that objects exist even when they’re out of sight, which makes games like peekaboo a big hit!
- More Mobility: Many babies start cruising- walking while holding onto furniture or your hands.
Month 10: Growing Independence
As your baby’s personality develops, so does their independence:
- Increased Communication: They may say their first word around this time, often “mama” or “dada,” and understand simple requests.
- Standing Alone: Some babies will be able to stand without support for a few seconds.
Month 11: Curious Explorer
By 11 months, your baby is curious and eager to explore:
- Walking with Assistance: Your baby may walk while holding onto furniture (cruising) or holding your hand.
- Pointing and Gesturing: They may start pointing at things they want or are interested in, helping them communicate more clearly.
- Understanding Simple Commands: Your baby may begin to understand simple directions, like “give me the toy” or “come here.”
Month 12: Walking and Talking
You’ve made it through the first year! At 12 months, your baby might:
- Take First Steps: Some babies begin walking around their first birthday, although it’s perfectly normal if they’re not walking just yet.
- First Words: Your baby may say a few words beyond “mama” and “dada,” and they’ll likely understand many more.
- Exploring Cause and Effect: Babies love testing cause and effect by dropping toys, opening and closing drawers, or banging objects together.
Remember, every baby is different. Some might hit these milestones earlier or later than others, and that’s perfectly normal.
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