Introducing our qualified baby first aid trainers in South Yorkshire from Daisy First Aid.
Coping with sleep deprivation
Have you ever been awake with your baby at 3am wondering if it’s possible to die from sleep deprivation?! If the answer is yes, this week’s blog is for you! Sleep deprivation is so tough. There’s a reason it was used as a form of torture on captured troops during the...
Amazing benefits of breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is a wonderful natural process that has been nourishing and nurturing infants for millennia. Besides being a beautiful bonding experience between mother and child, breastfeeding offers a plethora of health benefits for both mum and baby. In this week’s...
Meet The Trainer – Nicole In South Leicester
I’m Nicole, the local Daisy first Aid Trainer for South Leicester and the surrounding areas. Here are 5 things about me… Why I became a Daisy First Aid Trainer…. I have always loved teaching others and working with adults and children learning new skills. I strongly...
Preparing for weaning
Parenthood is filled with exciting milestones, and one of the significant ones is introducing solid foods to your little one. Weaning is an important and exciting time but it can also feel pretty overwhelming with the number of products available on the market. We...
Coping with Birth Trauma
The journey into motherhood is often hailed as a joyous and transformative experience. However, for some women, birth can result in unexpected challenges and emotional distress. Birth trauma, characterised by feelings of fear, helplessness, and distress during or...
The fourth trimester
“Help!! My baby will only sleep on me!” “My baby won’t go in her moses basket!” “My baby wants to be held constantly!” “What am I doing wrong?!” This is normal infant behaviour. Your baby isn’t broken. You aren’t doing anything wrong. The fourth trimester The 12 weeks...
Dry and secondary drowning
We often talk about water safety especially in the summer months when our little ones are much more likely to be around swimming pools, paddling pools and beaches. Drowning prevention week helped to shine a spotlight on how to keep our children safe in and around...
Summer parent hacks
Who doesn’t love a parent hack?! Anything to make our lives just that little bit easier, right? Here are our favourite summer hacks to make life with little ones easier during the warmer months… In the garden Put a fitted sheet over your paddling pool over...
Cervical Screening Awareness Week
This week is Cervical Screening Awareness Week. According to the NHS nearly a third of women and people with a cervix haven’t attended their latest smear test. NHS England are calling for people to come forward for this potentially life-saving free test. What happens...
Pregnant in a heat wave
Top tips for keeping cool! There seem to be two temperatures in this country: cold or boiling hot! Summer has appeared out of nowhere and we’ve been plunged into a heat wave with no time to acclimatise! It’s fair to say most of us are struggling a bit with this sudden...
First aid for parents
Would you know what to do if your child choked, swallowed something they shouldn’t have, hit their head, was burned, had a seizure or fell unconscious? Would you know how to recognise the early stages of meningitis or a severe allergic reaction? No parent wants to...
Top tips for toddler safety
with MyBump2Baby We have teamed up with MyBump2Baby to give you this fantastic podcast all about toddler safety within the home. Once your little one is on the move a whole new world opens up to them and that, unfortunately, brings with it a whole host of potential...