Introducing our qualified baby first aid trainers in North Yorkshire from Daisy First Aid.

Co-sleeping: Is it safe?

Co-sleeping: Is it safe?

Tragically, around 3 babies a week still die from SIDS and if all parents were aware of safer sleep advice many lives could be saved. So this answer to our question is yes, co-sleeping, when following guidelines is safe and can make those sleepless nights just a...

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How to Spot the Symptoms of Diabetes in Children

How to Spot the Symptoms of Diabetes in Children

Tomorrow is world diabetes day so on this week’s blog we’re talking all about diabetes; what it is, how to spot the symptoms and ways to manage it. It’s important to be aware of the signs and symptoms as early diagnosis is key as it can cause a number of serious...

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Join our amazing team!

Join our amazing team!

Would you like to know about how you could become a part of the amazing Daisy First Aid Team? Are you looking for a job that… is 100% flexible to fit around family life provides maximum job satisfaction teaching people how to save babies lives you don’t need any prior...

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