Introducing our qualified baby first aid trainers in North Yorkshire from Daisy First Aid.

Vitamin K for newborns

Soon after your baby is born, you will be asked whether you would like them to have a vitamin K supplement. What is vitamin K? Vitamin K is a vitamin the body needs for blood clotting and to prevent abnormal bleeding. Vitamin K is found in many foods, especially green...

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The Difference Between Gagging & Choking

Daisy First Aid cover choking for babies in all of our classes. It's a big concern for new parents and grandparent that are about to start weaning.  It's vital to know what to do and act fast if a baby chokes. Practicing the techniques we show you in class is not only...

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How to baby proof your home

In partnership with The Baby Show     If you’re pregnant or a parent of a tiny baby it won’t be long before your baby is on the move. They’ll be crawling, cruising, climbing and walking. They’ll be reaching and grabbing and exploring as much of the world around...

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Meet The Trainer – Sarah in Loughborough

Hello, I'm Sarah, I’m the local Daisy First Trainer for Loughborough and surrounding areas. Here are 5 things about me… Why I became a Daisy First Aid Trainer…. Going back to work after having children has been tough. I work as a nurse and found the long shifts,...

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Anaphylaxis Real Life Story

Anaphlaxis is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction that requires an immediate medical response. It affects the airway, breathing and/or circulation and can be fatal. Some of the common triggers of anaphylaxis include dairy, tree nuts, peanuts, sesame and...

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Learning to relax

In honour of Children’s Mental Heath Week, this week on the blog we’re lookingat ways we can help our little ones relax if they’re feeling worried or anxious. Looking after our mental health is as important as looking after our physical health and teaching our...

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Introducing a new sibling

Are you expecting your second child? Are you worried about how your firstborn will react to the new arrival? If so, you are not alone. It’s completely understandable to be concerned about the impact a new baby could have on your little one. All they’ve ever known is...

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Whooping cough vaccination in pregnancy

When you are pregnant you will offered the whooping cough vaccine ideally between 16 and 32 weeks of your pregnancy. On today’s blog we’re looking at why it’s important to have this vaccine. What is whooping cough? Whooping cough is a bacterial infection of the lungs...

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What is pre-eclampsia?        

Pre-eclampsia is a condition that can affect pregnant women most commonly after week 20 of their pregnancy or soon after they have delivered their baby. The early signs are protein in your urine and high blood pressure, which is why your midwife will routinely check...

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