Who’s in the room during a C-section?

Who’s in the room during a C-section?

Everyone has a good idea of how they want their birth to go by the time their due date is approaching but we all know that sometimes not everything goes to plan so it’s a good idea to know what to expect should things change. Whether you’re having a planned C-section...
How to co-sleep safely

How to co-sleep safely

As part of Safer Sleep Week which is an awareness campaign run by our friends at The Lullaby Trust we are looking how to co-sleep safely with your baby. Tragically, around 3 babies a week still die from SIDS and if all parents were aware of safer sleep advice many...
Should you find out the sex of your baby?

Should you find out the sex of your baby?

This is something that tends to divide people. People who find out the sex of their baby at their 20 week scan often can’t imagine waiting until the baby is born and people who don’t find out often wonder why people do! And what if you’re a couple having a baby and...