Coping with Birth Trauma

Coping with Birth Trauma

The journey into motherhood is often hailed as a joyous and transformative experience. However, for some women, birth can result in unexpected challenges and emotional distress. Birth trauma, characterised by feelings of fear, helplessness, and distress during or...
The fourth trimester

The fourth trimester

“Help!! My baby will only sleep on me!” “My baby won’t go in her moses basket!” “My baby wants to be held constantly!” “What am I doing wrong?!” This is normal infant behaviour. Your baby isn’t broken. You aren’t doing anything wrong. The fourth trimester The 12 weeks...
Dry and secondary drowning

Dry and secondary drowning

We often talk about water safety especially in the summer months when our little ones are much more likely to be around swimming pools, paddling pools and beaches. Drowning prevention week helped to shine a spotlight on how to keep our children safe in and around...
Summer parent hacks

Summer parent hacks

Who doesn’t love a parent hack?! Anything to make our lives just that little bit easier, right? Here are our favourite summer hacks to make life with little ones easier during the warmer months…​​​​​​​​ In the garden Put a fitted sheet over your paddling pool over...
Cervical Screening Awareness Week

Cervical Screening Awareness Week

This week is Cervical Screening Awareness Week. According to the NHS nearly a third of women and people with a cervix haven’t attended their latest smear test. NHS England are calling for people to come forward for this potentially life-saving free test. What happens...